Wednesday, October 5, 2016

2016 Architecture & Design &Trends

2016 Architecture & Design Trends

Trends define a generation. In architecture, they create moods for the industry and determine how personal space may influence daily lifestyles. Before presenting our 7 current home design trends, it is important to clarify the difference between ‘trend’ and ‘fad.’ Often used synonymously, their meanings are quite different.
A trend is something that catches on. It has the potential to persist for decades in some cases. What confuses many people is that a trend and a fad often look very similar in the beginning. Put concisely: a trend will give direction and a fad is just a craze. At HMH, we have solidified a custom design style that fuses classic trends with modern elements to become our own special brand of interior design and architecture.
2016 Architecture & Design Trends

Now on to the architecture & design trends in 2016 that we are excited about! From sustainable materials to functional living spaces and art deco prints, here are 7 architecture and design trends in 2016 to keep an eye out for…

Bespoke Home

.Bespoke Houses/Renovations

Often used in relation to men’s tailoring, this term can also be applied to a new home or renovation that has been carefully designed to the reflect the home owner’s personality and complement their lifestyle.

Small-scale cocktail bars, purpose-built quiet rooms and walk-in closets that could be found in a 5th Avenue fashion store are just some of the in-demand bespoke inclusions homeowners are seeking

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